How fitting that such a beautiful spring day set the scene for the open day at the Spring Hill Enviro Cottage for Sustainable House Day 2010.
I wandered down to have a peek at proceedings this morning and was excited to find a large number of people queuing up to take a tour through the inspirational home. Tagging along on the tour myself, I learned even more about the amazing thinking that has gone into the building, including the incredible efficiencies of the water and energy systems, that will enable the building to be self sufficient and not attract water or energy bills. I was also very proud to see the interest in the kitchen, where our 'greener' joinery has made a home for some fabulous energy efficient appliances that contribute to the self sufficiency of the home. I would encourage anyone interested in sustainable building to take the opportunity to have a look through the house at open days planned for the coming months.
Above are some photos I took today, including a pic of the crowd of people checking out the 'greener' kitchen! For more information on the kitchen please take a look at previous posts down the page. There is also a picture of the ensuite bathroom through the reflection of the shading screens where you can just see the little shaving cabinets we made out of recycled timber.
I would very much like to take this opportunity to thank our clients, Phil and Cath for inviting us to be a part of the project and for their support of Greener Kitchens. It has been a privilege to work with such lovely people.
Take care, Druce